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Bruges til grafiske elementers tilstand

It won’t be the same here when it is no longer now

It won’t be the same here when it is no longer now

A practice-based research project by Laura Navndrup Black that proposes a spatial challenge to create and perform within, requiring an intergenerational group of performance artists to re-think their relation to gaze, time and place. Project period October 2016 – February 2017

about the artistic research project

The compositional challenge consists of a physical set-up of three rotating cameras at fixed speed placed between trees, which obscure the cameras from each others ‘views,’ and allows a 360 degree view of the location. The choreographic material will be shot in one continuous take and the footage from each camera is shown alongside one another, offering multiple views of the same time and space, but not necessarily with the same - or any - performers in the frame. The cameras offer the audience three selective, yet indiscriminate, gazes (frames) of the same event. Looking towards geography rather than performance theory provides another entry point into the issues of time and space, and, crucially,helps consider how explorations relate to the landscape.

In ‘It wont be the same here when it is no longer now’ Laura Navdrup Black explores whether and how intuition and technical constraints can co-exist, and how this particular compositional challenge can allow young people and adults to explore ideas at a similar level of complexity, or, in other words, to see if a stubborn focus on the task alone may find common artistic ground as performers and performance makers, despite variations in age and experience.

project participants

Laura Navndrup Black, Matilde Mørk, Lisa Hinterreithner, Ida Mariboe Hansen, Laura Viltoft, Marie Lykkemark og Franziska Bork-Petersen

Præsentation af projektet

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