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Performer Andreas Liebmann investigates keys, methods and thoughts for making theatre reaching the target group  ”everyone” and maintains in the same time a high artistic level. In collaboration with Zeitraumexit in Mannheim the main focus of the research is: How can theatre be necessary for people around the corner and still work with topics of bigger importance? The project runs from January 2017 - December 2017.

about the artistic research project

How to combine sharp art and daily life relevance?   Andreas will visit some selected art places in Europe that define themselves by a specific approach to a concrete political, social, local context. He will develop imaginations for an assumed place in the middle of the normal, at the border of Copenhagen. What could such a place look like, who could you be part of it, and what art practices could it contain?

The idea that theatre is a crucial part of a democratic society, a kind of an antique forum where people meet relevant issues, distraction, fun and social engagement is an important motivation to do theatre. However, how can this function be maintained, when most of the people do not at all share the habit and interest in theatre? Mostly people with a higher education and non-migrant background visit it. The percentage of people going to the theatre is – measured at the ”forum” idea, extremely low, better to say: ridiculous. We theatre makers often claim to deal with important subjects but if these subjects do not really spread, we should ask ourselves if we do not live in an illusion of importance that has no justification in the real situation. How to enforce the connection of theatre work in ”real life” and its protagonists: the citizens around the corner?


Jan Philipp Possmann, Artistic Leader of Zeitraumexit, Mannheim


Development of performances according to ideas and intentions / connecting and reflection of form and content / Invention of specific artistic practices according to the artistic idea //

Site specific work / work with non-professional and passers-by / concept-work / questioning assumptions of what “works” artistically and what does not / extending the borders of the notion of “what theatre can be”.


Undersøgelsesvisning 17 November 2017 - more information
Fremlæggelse 24 January 2018 - more information

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