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Udveksling til DDSKS

application deadline (autumn exchanges)
Medio April
application deadline (spring exchanges)
Medio October


The Danish National School of Performing Arts (DASPA) welcomes exchange students to the following programmes:

  • BFA in Theatre and Performance Making (Lighting / Scenography / Sound / Stage Directing)
  • BFA in Playwriting/BFA in Theatre and Performance Making (Playwriting)
  • BFA in Musical Theatre
  • BFA in Acting
  • BFA in Dance and Choreography
  • MFA in Choreography
  • MFA in Dance and Participation

The programmes do not accept exchange students every semester and each programme has special conditions for the acceptance of exchange students. Some programmes only offers short term exchanges and not full semesters. Please read carefully the conditions for the specific programme you are considering applying to. You will find these conditions in the sections below.

DASPA is devoted to a student-centred approach to learning and each semester is carefully planned in order to accommodate the work of the individual students and the groups the best way possible. Due to this, each programme has special conditions for the acceptance of exchange students. Please read carefully the conditions set out for the specific programme you are considering applying to. You find these conditions in the sections below. 


We use the same criteria as at our ordinary entrance examinations.


Applications for exchange should be uploaded through DASPA's application portal. Please submit your nominations directly in your applications. DASPA does not pre-approve or reject nominations in advance.


The next application deadline for exchanges in the fall term 2025 is 15 April 2025. The application portal is open from 17 March to 15 April 2025 at noon.

Find the link for long term exchanges here

Find the link for short term exchanges here

 Applications sent by email or uploaded before or after these dates will not be taken into consideration. Neither will applications for an exchange to other semesters than the fall semester of 2025. 


The semester begins in mid-August and terminates in mid-December 2025.

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