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Advanced Motion Capture Workshop

Join Our Advanced Pcap Workshop: Elevate Your Motion Capture Skills!

Take your performance capture to the next level with our intensive 4-day workshop, designed for actors ready to refine their craft.

We are thrilled to announce that Trine C. Jensen is returning to teach an advanced Motion Capture workshop, joined by actor Alex Lehman.

This time, we are also excited to collaborate with BrainBar Studio, where the final two days of the workshop will take place at their volume in Hedehusene.

BrainBar Studio
Mocap workshop, DDSKS 2024

About the workshop

This advanced session focuses on high-level performance capture techniques and specialized motion capture drills to enhance precision and authenticity in movement.

You'll be suited up in optical performance capture gear with facial capture rigs and get hands-on experience working in a professional volume. Over the 4 action-packed days, you’ll train, perform, and film using industry-standard technology.

This workshop is open to actors who have already completed a foundational mocap course with us or elsewhere. If you're ready to push your skills further and step into the future of digital performance, this is your chance!

Each day will include but is not limited to these elements;

  • warm-ups
  • mocap specific terminology and skills
  • mocap drills and in-game movement
  • filmed scene work in optical suits

Course Details

May 5-6: DDSKS, Copenhagen
May 7-8: BrainBar Studio, Hedehusene

Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day

In collaboration with BrainBar Studio.  


Trine C. Jensen is a director, acting and, voice over coach residing in Los Angeles. She directs voice over for games, in addition to casting and directing dubbing for foreign TV and Film.

She teaches workshops on VO and Performance Capture in the US and Europe, and she is known for approaching character creation from the body and how to make bold courageous performance choices. 

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From 2016 to 2020 she ran a recording studio in Los Angeles dedicated to producing dialogue for video games. During this time, she worked on games such as Horizon Zero Dawn main game and the DLC The Frozen Wilds, The Sinking City and Desperados 3 to name a few, and also the audio dramas Smokey Barrett and Leap Year Society. After almost four years, Trine launched on her own to direct voice over, and offer workshops on voice over and performance capture for games. 

Trine holds a BFA in Theatre from New World School of the Arts, and she is currently studying to become an Alexander Technique teacher. She is an occasional performer, and brings her many years as a healer to help actors achieve breakthroughs in their performance. Working with actors and other artists in the creative process is her passion, and she is grateful to work in the entertainment industry with so many talented people.


Alex Lehman will be guest teaching at the workshop. Alex is a Lecoq-trained actor and puppeteer who has worked professionally for over a decade.


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Originally from the US, he moved to Copenhagen in 2016 where he works as an actor and puppeteer across film, television, games, and theatre. His Danish motion capture credits include 'Dreaming Murakami' and 'Neon Knights', among other as yet unreleased projects, and he has taught and mentored on the art of motion capture performance at Den Danske Filmskole and MiXR Lab in Aarhus.

Outside of animation work, he has toured Denmark as a puppeteer with Teater Refleksion and Teater My and will appear as a regular living, breathing human being later this year in season 2 of 'Carmen Curlers' on DR. Alex has a passion for movement-based performance and non-verbal story-telling and looks forward to returning to Efter og Videreuddanelsen to share the wonderful world of possibilities that is motion capture performance.



Husk kursusafgiften kan være fradragsberettiget og undersøg evt. i dit fagforbund, om du kan søge støtte til kurset.

05. - 08. maj 2025
10:00 - 17:00
For professional actors
Antal deltagere
Pris i DKK
2.600,- DKK
17. marts 2025
BrainBar Studio
Guldalderen 15
2640 Hedehusene
Ekstra oplysninger
Obs! De første to dage finder sted på Den Danske Scenekunstskole, Per Knutzons Vej 5, 1437 København K.
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