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Dance Masterclass with Mehdi Meghari from Compagnie Dyptik

Dive into Dyptik’s Powerful Movement Language

- Workshop with Star Choreographer Mehdi Meghari 

In collaboration with CPH STAGE, we invite professional dancers to an exclusive workshop with renowned choreographer Mehdi Meghari of Compagnie Dyptik. Known for his raw intensity and dynamic fusion of hip-hop and contemporary dance, Meghari’s work pushes physical boundaries and transforms movement into storytelling.

Dyptik will open this year’s festival with their electrifying performance Le Grand Bal, staged on May 21 and 22, 2025, at The Royal Playhouse.

About the workshop

– Intense, Inspiring Immersion

Intended for professional dancers, this workshop will be led by Mehdi Meghari, choreographer of the Dyptik company. Through dynamic technical training and a space for creation and exchange, participants will have the opportunity to explore powerful movement, push their limits, and nurture their own choreographic language.

More than just a workshop, it's a deep dive into Mehdi Meghari's artistic universe: committed, physical, and deeply expressive dance. It's a unique opportunity to experiment with a creative process, fine-tune one's interpretation, and share an enriching experience with a choreographer renowned for his singular approach to movement.

Open to professional dancers, this workshop offers technical practice, choreographic exploration, and discussion of the creative process. An ideal opportunity to enrich your dance, immerse yourself in a creative universe, and enjoy an intense experience.


MEHDI MEGHARI - Choreographer and Co-Writer at the Dyptik Dance Company.

Driven by a lively spirit and an ever-challenging vision of society, this is how the Dyptik dance company is defined. Souhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari are two choreographers with contemporary hip-hop influences. Together, they run Dyptik, and the name they have chosen for their company is both symbolic and meaningful.

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They found each other through hip-hop, a passion that has bound them together for over 15 years. Break, battle, and then the alchemy kicks in. As partners in crime, they share their artistic connection, communicating without words and blending in an instinctive co-writing process that adapts to each project.

Mehdi Meghari and Souhail Marchiche were awarded the Prix Nouveau Talent Chorégraphie SACD in 2019, a duo of inquisitive, rebellious, and dynamic artists who have built a strong, relevant body of work.

22. maj 2025
16:00 - 18:00
For professional dancers and choreographers
Antal deltagere
Pris i DKK
150,- DKK
1. maj 2025
Skt. Annæ Plads 36
1250 Kbh. K
Ekstra oplysninger
150 DKK – Early Bird Price (valid until April 7), 195 DKK – Standard Rate, Room: Store Prøve Sal
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