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The Secret Weapon of the Performer - Alexander Technique

Mind your Performance - Mind your Poise

 - with the Alexander Technique

This 3-day course is an introduction to the Alexander Technique for actors, singers, and dancers. It’s designed to teach the principles of the Alexander Technique, and begin to apply them to the various aspects of performance, from auditions to warm-ups, rehearsals, character development and all the way into performance. 

The Alexander Technique taps into something you’ve most likely already experienced. It’s that expanded moment when you perform effortlessly without thinking, and it comes out surprisingly fabulous. It was developed by F. M. Alexander a voice actor in the late 1800s and is taught worldwide in drama schools, music conservatories, and dance academies. It is often referred to as the performer’s secret weapon.

The Alexander Technique is a gentle method that re-educates the mind and body through observation and movement. Participants are taught to use, not just their muscles, but their whole self more efficiently. The body, the voice and the whole organism work as one finely tuned integrated instrument. Performers trained in the technique tend to be freer in their expression and often feel more confident.

Participants will experience the following:

  • Knowledge of the main principles of AT 
  • Experience guided ‘Active Rest’ 
  • Discover a new relationship to breathing 
  • Observation of movement habits and tensions
  • Awareness of appropriate muscular effort 
  • How AT can help you in auditions and performance
  • Optional add-on, 45 min individuel lesson with Trine available for an extra fee on day 4 and 5.


9am - 4pm 

Day 1: Intro to the AT

F.M. Alexanders story
Principles underlying the technique
Lie down - AT Constructive/Dynamic Rest
Skeleton images
Applied to performance, monologies, songs, choreography 

Day 2: AT in Preparation

AT Constructive/Dynamic Rest
AT inspired warm-up
Wall work for character
Applied to performance, monologies, songs, choreography 

Day 3: AT in Performance

AT in PerformanceAT Constructive/Dynamic Res
Applied to performance, monologies, songs, choreography

Day 4: Optional add-on

Individual 45- min lessons with Trine 

Day 5: Optional add-on

Individual 45- min lessons with Trine 

If you wish to book a private session, please contact Stine Marcher when applying for enrollment in the course.   


Trine C Jensen is an experienced Voice Director, Acting & Movement Coach.

Trine holds a BFA in Theatre from New World School of the Arts, an MS in Organization Development from Pepperdine University, and is a certified Alexander Technique teacher and member of AmSAT. She integrates the Alexander Technique into all her work, guiding actors and directors to exceptional performances.  

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She directs and casts Voice Over in Games and Dubbing. Most recently she directed voice over on Rise of the Ronin released on PS5. In her past role as Vice President of Vault 501/OM Los Angeles she worked on Horizon Zero Dawn, The Frozen Wilds, The Sinking City and Desperados 3, among others. She is an annual guest teacher at The Danish National School of the Performing Arts, and the National Film School of Denmark.

She has taught for the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, The HALP Network, New World School of The Arts, and the Animations Institute in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Her workshops for actors and directors are focused on voice over and performance capture in games, which requires fast work on your feet. She is known for approaching character creation from the body.


Husk kursusafgiften kan være fradragsberettiget og undersøg evt. i dit fagforbund, om du kan søge støtte til kurset.

13. - 15. maj 2025
9:00 - 16:00
Pris i DKK
1.500,- DKK
1. April 2025
DDSKS København
Per Knutzons Vej 5
1437 København K
Danish and English
Kursus ID

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