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The Right to be Forgotten

Hørret Skov
22. - 24. maj 2023

final project from the mfa in performing arts

You’ve signed up for the very first trip headed towards The Stream of Forgetfulness, where it has just been discovered that the water can wash away your history and you can be forgotten.

The world is in crisis and it calls for radical actions.

It’s man’s turn to show humbleness and perhaps even to feel a bit ashamed - and therefore it’s time to let yourself be forgotten.

Yes, you even have the right to be forgotten according to the GDPR law article 17, and now is your chance to exercise that right.

Follow the guide into the Forest of Oblivion and become a first mover in a future where humans don’t leave behind anything at all.

But maybe there are also other and older forces and creatures in the forest - creatures that are stronger connected to nature and magic - and who don’t think that forgetting is the way forward.

The right to be forgotten is Tam Vibberstoft's graduation project of the master study at The Danish National School of Performing Arts.

The performance is a demo version, which is produced with limited ressources and as a school project.

Students behind the production

Idea, text, direction, sound design, production, photography

Other contributors

Charlotte Trier and Anders Nøhr
Vibeke Pagh Schultz and Christine Fentz
Katapult Akademiet, Jeppe Pachaï, Kaia Fransiska Frostmann Lundenes, Mai Jensen, Leif Sodemann, Jens Noes, Jesper Laursen, Annie Møller Pedersen, Sara Heil, Lene og Kristen Vibberstoft, Thomas Pinkalski, Anne Marie Dalsgaard, Lokalhistorisk Forening Mårslet, Christian Dietrichen, Mette Aakjær, Sarah Woods, Sandra Theresa Buch, Kevin Buster Mortensen, Mårslet Kvæglaug.
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