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Monumental Movement

With one final closing ceremony, the school bids farewell to the dance studios at Philip de Langes Allé. We invite you to join us in celebrating the space and its profound significance for dance education.

Sal 1, DDSKS København
Philip de Langes Allé 3
1435 København K
15. - 16. december 2023

Let’s gather and celebrate the many years of dancing at Philip de Langes Allé.

For more than 20 years the dance studios at Philip de Langes Allé 3, at Holmen in Copenhagen, have been a place where generations of dancers received their dance education. In February 2024, The Danish National School of Performing Arts will move out of these beautiful studios. This means that going forward the dance programmes will be housed in the school’s other facilities in Holstebro and Copenhagen.  It is the end of one era and the start of another.

Monumental Movement is an event to celebrate and acknowledge all the dancing that has happened at this particular place. A last chance to dance and document stories that have had big significance, personally as well as for the field as a whole. It has been a school, a workplace, a dance floor, a part of a neighborhood, a stage for audiences, and a passage in the lives of numerous people.

The event unfolds during two days:

The building at Philip de Langes Allé. Photo: Tania Maria Johannesen
"In A Common Dance" (2020). Photo: Samuel Feldhandler
"Body News" (2018)
"Radical Empathy" (2017)

Everyone is welcome. To join in, to contribute, to share time together. You can drop by or stay the whole weekend. And! If you would like to volunteer for the event and help out with practical preparations, please send us an email and we’ll be in contact.

For questions or comments, please write to

Save the dates! Write it on your calendars! Show up! Let’s gather, mourn and celebrate!

Monumental Movement is organized by DDSKS in close collaboration with Danish Dance Stories (Andrea Deres and Carolina Bäckman), 5678 (Rebecka Berchtold) and the Alumni (Casper Albrektsen and Magalí Camps).


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