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Sal 1, DDSKS København
Philip de Langes Allé 3
1435 København K
6. juni 2023

Practicing Doing Nothing

– a choreographic practice and an investigation of its entanglements with/in the world

Isn’t it impossible to do nothing? Yes, I would say so. But how would you then do nothing? By trying many different strategies… or, by insisting on doing nothing. So what do you mean with doing nothing? Well, what do you think it could mean?

This research builds on the experiences of ‘Practicing Doing Nothing’ together – a choreographic practice where participants are invited into a sensorial exploration of doing nothing. What do we do while practicing doing nothing? What does this mean? What could it entail? The practice came as a reaction towards the way society – building on colonial and imperialistic structures – seems to go faster and faster (but where are we going?!), demanding more and more activity (but what are we producing?!), exposing us to more and more information (but what information?!), whilst the world we are living with/in – the planet – calls for an awareness of different temporalities, a re-direction of forces and to acknowledge more-than-human ways of being.

As a facilitator I host the situation while also participating in the exploration, and we – the participants – are guided through the practice by a set of (choreographic) scores and (reflective) tasks.


Tuesday June 6th at 12:00

Sal 1, DDSKS København
Philip de Langes Allé 3
1435 København K


1,5 hours

Graduation presentation by

Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Participation
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