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International Casting med Cassandra Han & Rie Hedegaard

International Casting with Cassandra Han and Rie Hedegaard 

Building a supportive environment for actors: Insights from casting directors Cassandra Han and Rie Hedegaard. 

Join us for a 3-day intensive workshop led by internationally renowned Casting Director Cassandra Han (US) and Rie Hedegaard (DK).

In this workshop, casting directors Director Cassandra Han and Rie Hedegaard, will discuss strategies for creating an atmosphere that encourages well-being and strong performances. The class will be divided into two groups during the workshop. See detailed schedule below. 

CASSANDRA HAN's workshop: 
The workshop will cover all aspects of international casting, from how best to position yourself on the market to the ins and outs of successful self-taping. By means of concrete analysis of self-tapes shot and submitted beforehand, we will go over common technical taping mistakes, best practices for helping your audience to visualize you in the role, understanding what decision-makers are looking for -- and when to break rules you've been previously taught.

During the course of the workshop, every participant will re-tape using the newly learned approach so that clear results can be seen on screen and be utilized in the future. 

BEAT YOUR GOALS ! - workshop with Rie Hedegaard:

  • how do you create a self tape that stands out and is true to your artistic work and profile?
  • how to release creative potential
  • how to take ownership of your work
  • guide to the many platforms in the business where you can present yourself as an actor/actress.

ARTIST TALK - all together: 
We all know that attaching a bankable actor (or two) can be existential to your film. But how does international casting work, actually? When are you ready to go out to actors? What about SAG/AFTRA contracts? What are the pitfalls of development casting? How can you best ensure success from an early stage of development by writing meaty roles, by attaching the right director, by putting together enough of a financial structure to be considered by top actors? How do you know what type of actors will attract world sales, distributors, funding bodies and investors? How does the US financing model differ from the European co-production model - and how does that affect your cast?

We'll discuss these questions - and many, many more - during our artist talk, focusing on the specific concerns of producers, directors and screenwriters. 

Om Cassandra Han

Cassandra Han is an American casting director living in Europe for 20 years and specializing in bridging the German, Italian, US and UK markets.

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Recent credits include the feature film SAMIA, which will premiere in at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival, the Paramount+ German Original ONE TRILLION DOLLARS for Wiedemann & Berg, BAD DIRECTOR by German auteur Oskar Roehler and two new films of the immensely popular DIE DREI ??? franchise.

UK Casting credits include the Italian Paramount+ series MISS FALLACI, the Italian Netflix series STORIA DELLA MIA FAMIGLIA and the German series EIN HAUCH VON AMERIKA (ARD/Degeto)

Italy Casting credits include: James Mangold's Oscar-winning FORD VS FERRARI, Terrence Malick's A HIDDEN LIFE (Cannes 2019) and two seasons of Gaumont's hit Netflix series BARBARIANS.

Recent international cinema releases include the Polish feature FILIP (Silver Lion at the Polish International Film Festival) for Akson Studios; the Latvian/Italian feature SISTERS (awarded at the Warsaw International Film Festival), the Indian/French animated feature SCHIRKOA. and CRESCENDO by Dror Zahavi.

In addition, she worked on the international series DAVOS, the RAI series BRENNER, Pif's IN GUERRA PER AMORE for Wildside, the feature film WAS WIR WOLLTEN (Austria's Academy Award submission for 2021), AMELIE RENNT (German Film Prize), Roberto Faenza's HILL OF VISION and SAM - A SAXON (Disney+).

New York credits include THE BASKETBALL DIARIES with Leonardo DiCaprio and GRIND with Billy Crudup and Adrienne Shelley.

A founding member of WIFTM Italy, Cassandra is also a member of the European Film Academy and the German Film Academy. She is the President of the European Board of Governors of Casting Society (CSA) and a Board Member of the International Casting Directors Association (ICDA).

Cassandra was a jury member for the 2021 EFP Shooting Stars at the Berlinale and the 2023 Black Nights Stars in Tallinn.

Cassandra was a founding member of Ethan Hawke's NY theater company Malaparte and holds an MFA in acting from Trinity Repertory Company.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Cassandra Han

Om Rie Hedegaard

Rie Hedegaard var tæt involveret i hele Dogmebølgen i midt 90´erne, og rollebesatte bl.a. Thomas Vinterbergs, "Festen", og Lars von Triers, "Idioterne". I sin karriere har hun bevaret et tæt arbejdsfællesskab med instruktører som, Lars von Trier, O.C. Madsen, Per Fly, Thomas Vinterberg, Christoffer Boe og Anders Thomas Jensen. Flere nye er kommet til, blandt flere; Kaspar Munk, Hlynur Pálmason, Fenar Armad, Isabella Eklöf, Louise Friedberg, Jacob Bitch og Anders Mathessen. Rie Hedegaard er  Ampas member (Oscar Academy member)

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I forbindelse med Berlinalen i 2005 blev hun af Det Danske Filminstitut opfordret til at være medstifter af ICDN, International Casting Directors Netvork, som i dag omfatter 25 lande. I 2016 sad hun i juryen under Berlinalens Shooting Star kategori. I 2019 modtog hun den anerkendelse at blive optaget i AMPAS - Oscar akademiet for sin mangeårige indsats for faget og de resultater den havde medført.

Rie er en erfaren og vellidt underviser og har siden 2002 været tilknyttet de statslige teaterskoler (nu DDSKS, red.). Hun har endvidere undervist internationalt på flere Masterclasses bl.a. sammen med Stephen Frears. 

Læs mere om Rie Hedegaard her

Husk kursusafgiften kan være fradragsberettiget og undersøg evt. i dit fagforbund, om du kan søge støtte til kurset.

25. - 27. september 2024
Onsdag d. 25/9 kl. 10-17:00 Torsdag d. 26/9 kl. 11-17 Fredag d. 27/9 kl. 9-16
Professionelle Skuespillere
Antal deltagere
Pris i DKK
1.900,- DKK
27. August 2024
DDSKS København
Per Knutzons Vej 5
1437 København K
Ekstra oplysninger
Regn med forberedelse og at tiderne kan forskydes lidt ifht. program og indhold. Torsdag morgen 9-11 er afsat til selvstændig arbejde.
Danish and English
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