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Casting Masterclass with Sharon Bialy #1

Sharon Bialy is one of the most respected and accomplished casting directors in the entertainment industry, with a career that includes casting for iconic series such as Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead.

In this masterclass, Sharon will share her invaluable insights into the casting process, discussing how she sees and conducts til ideel casting situation one-on-one and how she sees the ideal casting process.

She will work with each actor individually and in groups. Prepare a scene, bring a headshot, a self-tape, and a bio. Update your profesional information so the work can be so current and on the spot as possible.

Sharon will be working on audition techniques for self-taping, Zoom auditions, as well as the general interview process.

Sharon Bialy will also be present at the seminar CRUCIAL CASTING on April 9th, together with Casting Director Pauline Hansson (SE), Casting Director Iris Baumöller (DE), and Casting Director Victor Jenkins (UK), among others.



Sharon Bialy (co-owner of Bialy/Thomas Associates) is an award winning Casting Director for television, film and theater.

Her recent television credits include Julia, Barry, Sugar, Parish, The Handmaid’s Tale, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, The Act, The Walking Dead, Invasion, Perry Mason, Dead To Me, The Society and The Comey Movie.

Upcoming include The Four Seasons and The Testaments . Films: RIP (soon to be released) El Camino (Breaking Bad Movie) Cop Shop, Secret in Their Eyes, Black & White. Past favorite films include Drugstore Cowboy, Point Break, Rudy, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Reign O’er Me, & Red Belt.   Favorite past television credits include Phil Spector, The Unit, Jericho , Mind of the Married Man and Picket Fences.

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Sharon Bialy’s love for theater has been a recurring theme throughout her career, including 15 years with Des McAnuff at the La Jolla Playhouse, and various productions at Lincoln Center, The Old Globe, South Coast Rep, and The Guthrie.  On Broadway, Ms. Bialy cast The Anarchist, Jersey Boys, Race, and The Farnsworth Invention. She is a former board member of the Casting Society of America, with 38 Artios nominations to her name.

She received her first Emmy nomination for Breaking Bad's final season and has been nominated 9 times. Ms. Bialy was the recipient of the 2011 Media Access Award for her commitment to casting actors with disabilities. Her “How To Audition On Camera” was published to wide acclaim. She has partnered with Sherry Thomas at Bialy/Thomas & Associates for the past 25 years. 

07. April 2025
9:30 - 13:30
For professional actors
Antal deltagere
Pris i DKK
700,- DKK
17. marts 2025
Den Danske Filmskole
Theodor Christensens Pl. 1
1437 København K.
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Lokale: U5 NB! The same masterclass will also take place on April 8th.
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