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The Art of Dance Filmmaking: A Masterclass with RAMMATIK

Step into the Creative Universe of RAMMATIK

Exclusive Dance Film Masterclass with the award-winning-duo RAMMATIK 

Experience the groundbreaking approach of RAMMATIK, the visionary film duo redefining the art of filmmaking. Based in the breathtaking Faroe Islands, Rannvá Káradóttir and Marianna Mørkøre, have captivated audiences worldwide with their award-winning experimental films that merge dance, stunning cinematography, and avante-garde aesthetics into mesmerizing works of art.

In this exclusive masterclass, RAMMATIK will share their unconventional methods for transforming visionary ideas into film. Known for their bold contemporary aesthetic and deep roots in Nordic minimalism, the duo will reveal how their distinct creative approaches enable them to craft groundbreaking works that go beyond traditional storytelling.

The event is created in collaboration with dance filmmaker and curator Maia Elisabeth Sørensen. We are thrilled to once again join forces with Maia and to highlight this unique art form.

Photo by Katrin Svabo Bech © RAMMATIK

With backgrounds in dance and fashion, Rannvá and Marianna will reflect on the importance of exploring new areas of filmmaking. They’ll share how they pursue creative ideas - often drawing inspiration from everyday gestures, and how unconventional methods - such as intentionally placed limitations and chance can redefine and unlock new ways of thinking outside the box.

Through behind-the-scenes stories, personal insights into their creative process, and excerpts from their internationally acclaimed projects - including The Cycle - this session offers a rare opportunity to see how experimental filmmaking can foster unique approaches to narrative and creativity.

Don’t miss the chance to gain inspiration and fresh perspectives from two pioneers reshaping the landscape of contemporary experimental film.


The masterclass takes place on Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 1–3 PM at the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen. It is open to anyone with an interest in choreography, film, and visual art.

Price: 50 DKK (The application link for the masterclass can be found at the bottom of the page).

NOTE! Following the masterclass, on March 15, a selection of RAMMATIK’s films will be screened during the film festival Nordatlantiske Filmdage in Nordatlantens Brygge. As a participant of the workshop you can get a reduced ticket for the screening of 55 DKK. More information to follow.

Organized by in collaboration with the Further Education Department at the Danish National School of Performing Arts.

13. marts 2025
13:00 - 15:00
For anyone with an interest in choreography, film, and visual art.
Pris i DKK
50,- DKK
12. marts 2025
DDSKS København
Per Knutzons Vej 5
1437 København K
Kursus ID

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