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Bruges til grafiske elementers tilstand

ansøgningsvejledning dans og koreografi


In 2025, The Danish National School of Performing Arts will enrol 10 to 12 students into the Bachelor's Programme in Dance and Choreography in Copenhagen. All students are admitted based on an audition. 


Monday, March 17, 2025, at 12.00 (noon)

first audition

The first selection is based on a video audition. The video audition contains four different tasks.

Task #1

The following video shows the first task and also explains briefly the other three tasks. For sake of clarity, tasks 2, 3 and 4 are also explained below, in text.


Task #2

The second task is to learn the phrase presented in the video below and film yourself doing the phrase twice, in one recording with no cuts. You can use the music that is used in the recording that you learn the phrase from or do it in silence but do not use any other music.



The 3rd task is an improvisation of 2 minutes. It should be in silence and include

  • variations in speed, including stillness
  • travelling in space using the full frame of your recording


The 4th task is to record yourself executing a set piece of choreography that you have choreographed yourself. It should be between 1 and 3 minutes long.


  • All video recordings should be made with a fixed camera position.
  • We do not require a professional recording, but the sound and light must be sufficient to be able to assess you. It is best to avoid backlight.
  • You should make one video file per task.
  • Use your full name and the number of the task as the name of the file.
  • All four videos must be uploaded through the application portal at
  • The video must be in one of the following formats: mp4, mov or webm
  • You can upload until the end of the application deadline, but you must be aware that it can take up to 10 minutes to upload the file, so we recommend that you start well in advance.


  • The members of the admissions committee watch the videos individually.
  • The videos will not be shown to anyone other than the admission committee.
  • The videos are not forwarded to anyone.
  • The videos are viewed in their entire length.
  • Headphones are used so that the sound is as optimal as possible.
  • A large screen is used so that everything appears clearly.

If you have any questions contact

Second audition

The second audition takes place over a period of three days. Attendance in Copenhagen is required. All applicants will be joined in one group for some sessions and divided into smaller groups in others. The audition will include:

  • technical exercises
  • improvisational tasks
  • compositional tasks
  • group work
  • individual interview

A more detailed schedule will be sent out together with the invitation to the second audition.

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