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Bruges til grafiske elementers tilstand
Brønshøjvej 29
2700 Brønshøj
24. - 26. juni 2021
Photo: Tali Melchior (In the photo Leah Wrobel)

Tiny Astronauts

Looking for Awe and Wonder, finding Curiosity

I have been exploring the question; how to share the experience of an alternate gravity? From the perspective of a vertical dancer.

During my research project, I invited participants to visit alternative gravities through small action performances inspired by space travel. These were one-on-one participatory experiences based on my practice as a vertical dancer and incorporating new technologies such as VR (Virtual Reality).

Between the 24th-26th of June, I invite you, the audience, to try for yourself some of the experiences I created with the help of wonderful colleagues from the Dance and Participation programme. 

dates and times

  • The active exhibition will be open 16:00 - 18:00 on the 24th- 26th of June 2021
  • On Thursday the 24th of June at 17:00- 17:30, I will speak about my graduation project and open for discussion.

There is no need to book tickets, but if you want to ensure a spot trying the installations Moon Spot and A Visit to Saturn’s Moon in a harness and in VR, write a mail to

- Esther Wrobel, graduate student of Dance and Participation



Artistic research
Esther Wrobel
Co- researchers /Dance artists
Tanya Montan Rydell Lucia Jaen Serrano Mette Møller Overgaard
Additional artwork for Tiny Astronauts installation
Michelle Kranot
A special thank you to all 33 astronauts/participants that took part in the experiences during the past year and a half.
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