Immersive technologies in performing arts
This project is examining how immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) change the way we construct and present stories - and how we produce performing arts under these circumstances.
Project manager: Jeppe Lawaetz
XR technologies put the viewer in the centre of the experience and adapt everything to the viewer and the viewers perspective. The technologies challenge the way we tell the story. XR technologies open for an experience where the audience is not being taken through a sequential story that is planned in advance but let the audience influence the development of the story. The storyline is not necessarily moving from A to B, but the story can be found somewhere in between, and the audience experience their own individual plot.
This research project investigates the impact on the dramaturgy by adding XR technologies to performing arts. At the same time, the project researches how new structures for collaboration emerge and how production facilities changes to accommodate the current disciplines of the performing arts.
Project period 2021-2022