Tredjeårsstuderende fra skuespil Aarhus, Andreas Bruun Pedersen, åbner op for sit bachelorprojekt med en række visninger.
Once upon a time there was a Pea. Yes, you guessed right. He is indeed the pea from ‘The Princess on the Pea’. But you probably won’t recognize him. Don’t worry, he doesn’t do that himself either. Pea had some enriching years after the fairytale. He got hired by royale families all over the world to test the authenticity of their princesses. Life was a joy. Recognition, and richness. The world quickly ran out of princesses and the media started shortly after asking questions about how the princesses got their bruises in the first place. Where they just delicate-skinned or did something more violent occur?
Tonight is New Years Eve, and Pea is sitting alone. He has lost his mojo and yearns to be honored as in the old days. He’s just not particularly good at anything. Yet.